HIV+ Support Group
Free and confidential support group for anyone on the sexuality spectrum with a HIV+ diagnosis -- and/or their partners. It is led by a Sex Therapist who is also poz.
This group is an open community being built upon kindness, compassion, and a sense of humor. We bring the fun into support.
We are a sex-positive and adult HIV group, where sexuality-focused discussion and games are at the center of many meetings. This allows us to "bring back the sexy" and reclaim our sexual selves after our diagnoses -- we are still able to have fun and to feel sexy, regardless of status. We also host meetups, such as to the Zoo, the local museums, and cafes.
We always have free food and drink, and we always play games and socialize. Please give our group a shot if you need support or even if you just want to be a part of the growing POZitive community in Saint Louis.
1st Tuesdays are at Empowered: A Center for Sexuality, LLC and 3rd Tuesdays are at Pride St. Louis. Supported by the Show Me Bears and Pride St. Louis.
Email me (Nicholas Maio-Aether) ( for information.
St. Louis, Missouri 63139
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