Our team at SQSH understands the importance of word-of-mouth referrals within marginalized communities. That’s why, since founding, we’ve been working hard to create the SQSHBook. The SQSHBook is a community-owned database of 1,200+ resources throughout the St. Louis region and beyond, compiled from various local resource lists and vetting efforts by SQSH’s Community Partners.
Do you know or own/lead a resource that you think would be helpful for us to include in the SQSHBook? Submit that resource to us here and we'll work to incorporate it into the SQSHBook—a resource database by and for the St. Louis LGBTQIA+ community. While some listings may require more detailed vetting, our team will make every effort to review your submission and publish it to the SQSHBook in a timely manner. Thank you for your time and input.