
"The mission of Gateway Housing First, Inc. is to provide safe, high-quality, affordable, supportive housing to individuals and families challenged by a wide range of disabilities, complex disorders and life situations who are often impacted by chronic homelessness, generational poverty, trauma and systemic racism. We own and develop permanent supportive housing units across St. Louis City and County, some of which has 24 hour behavioral health supports while others are more independent. We also administer a few rental assistance programs through the Continuum of Care. However all referrals for these programs must go through Coordinated Entry."

Contact Information

1104 S. Jefferson (front)

St Louis, Missouri 63104


Community Reviews

Disclaimer: SQSH does not endorse any Reviews. Each Review reflects the personal experience and opinions of the Reviewer. Refer to our Review Guidelines for details.

  • Total Reviews: 0
  • 0 Recommended
  • 0 Not Recommended
  • 0 Neutral

Detailed Resource Information

Populations Prioritized

Restrictions/Eligibility Criteria Present

    Restrictions/Eligibility Criteria Present

Restrictions/Eligibility Criteria

    "Most all of our properties require verification of disability, proof of extremely-low income and history of homelessness/housing instability. Different properties have different requirements based on the funding associated with the property. Some properties are subsidized while others would require a subsidy/income in order to afford the rent."

Disability Or Chronic Health Condition

    Hearing Impairment
    Intellectual or Learning
    Psychiatric/Mental Health
    Visual Impairment
    Chronic Pain

Housing Status

Locations Served

Geographically Bound


Locations Served Notes

    St. Louis City and County.




    St. Louis City (MO)
    St. Louis County (MO)
Identity Affirming Vetting Policies

Vetted Or Listed As Trans Affirming

    Yes: Vetted by THISTL

Sexual Orientation Affirming Policies

    Has Confidentiality Policies around Sexual Orientation
    Has Anti-Discrimination Policies around Sexual Orientation
    Has Anti-Harassment Policies around Sexual Orientation
    Staff is Trained in LGBTQIA+ Issues

Gender Identity Affirming Policies

    Has Confidentiality Policies around Gender Identity & Gender Expression
    Has Anti-Discrimination Policies around Gender Identity & Gender Expression
    Has Anti-Harassment Policies around Gender Identity & Gender Expression
    Asks For & Respects People's Pronouns
    Offers Gender-Neutral Bathrooms, Single Stall Bathrooms, or Private Changing Areas
    Staff is Trained in Trans Issues
    People Can Use Bathrooms Aligned with Their Gender Identity
    Uses Gender-Inclusive Language in Daily Communications
    Supports Gender-Affirming Self-Care Rituals (e.g. Binding, Tucking, Packing)
    Service & Outreach Policies Promote Gender Diversity Among Clientele
    Hiring Policies Promote Gender Diversity Among Staff

Gender Identity Affirming Policies Notes

    Has been trained by THISTL and has committed to reviewing and updating their policies to support Equal Access. Supports placements in accordance with gender identity and are happy to serve Non-Binary and gender nonconforming clients.

Immigrant Affirming Policies

    Does Not Currently Have Immigrant-Affirming Policies

Blackbipoc Affirming Policies

    Has Anti-Harassment Policies around Race & Ethnicity
    Has Anti-Discrimination Policies around Race & Ethnicity
    Works With Black & Brown People Without Involving Institutional Authorities
    Uses Black/BIPOC-Inclusive Language in Daily Communications
    Service & Outreach Policies Promote Racial & Ethnic Diversity Among Clientele
    Hiring Policies Promote Racial & Ethnic Diversity Among Staff
Other Accessibility Factors

Covidguidelines Proof Of Vaccination

    No policy for proof of vaccination and/or negative COVID test

Covid Guidelines Masking Policy

    No masking policy

Covid Guidelines Social Distancing

    No social distancing policy

Ways To Access Resource Notes

    via email to request waitlist application.

Cost Notes

    units require that tenants are not rent-burdened, but still responsible for rent portion.

Payment Or Insurance Accepted Notes

    rent paid either by money order or via rental subsidy.

Language Interpretation Offered

    Does not offer language interpretation

Language Translation Offered

    Does not offer language translation

Documentation Required

    Social Security Card/Number
    Driver's License or State ID


    Has its Own Confidentiality Policies in Place

Relationship With Carceral Systems Notes

    "We Sometimes Work with the Police, Courts, and other Criminal Legal Systems"

Accessible To Wheelchairs Mobility Devices

    Ramp(s) available
    Hands Required to Open Doors


    Bathrooms available for free

Caretaker Accommodations

    No caretaker accommodations

Other Conditions For Accessing Service Notes

    rental assistance programs are referral-only. Housing is by waitlist. Must be 18 to have a lease in your own name.


    Currently on a waitlist
Also Listed By
211 Resource Database
Start Here STL Resource Guide

SQSHBook is a program led by the St. Louis Queer+ Support Helpline (SQSH)

SQSH is a grassroots, queer-led collective dedicated to facilitating healing spaces and providing holistic support for queer St. Louisans to thrive.
Our Peer Support Helpline is open
Friday through Monday, 1:00-7:00 PM CT
4220 Duncan Ave, Suite 201
St. Louis, MO 63110


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