John Marshall and Illinois Equality Name and Gender Marker Clinic

In Operation


Individuals seeking assistance can make an appointment to speak with a law student by contacting the clinic at 312-427-2737, ext. 477. The office line is staffed from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on weekdays. Any Illinoisan who wants to pursue a name or gender marker change can contact the project. Confidentiality is assured, and the program's legal services are free. The partnership with John Marshall is part of Equality Illinois’ agenda to advance lived equality for transgender Illinoisans. In 2014, Equality Illinois published the Guide to Name and Gender Marker Changes in partnership with Seyfarth Shaw, which is also providing advisory support for law students in the clinic. The guide, which can be found at, is a 44-page toolkit of legal instructions and forms for name and gender marker changes.

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