"We provide affordable and accessible comprehensive primary care services to everyone, with emphasis on the medically underserved."
Behavioral Health
"Behavioral Health services are accessible to Family Care patients through referral by their primary care provider, utilizing same-day care whenever possible. What this means is when you visit FCHC for a medical visit, you have the opportunity to also meet with a member of the behavioral health team during that same visit."
Has a special code from the PrideCenter to establish that a caller is in immediate need, to be served with priority at the next opening. Code Word: MTUG
Dr. Sturgeon might work at this location but is not listed as main provider on the main website. Dr. Sturgeon's profile lists this address: https://www.ssmhealth.com/find-a-doctor/doctor-details/treena-s-bartlem-do
401 Holly Hills Avenue
St. Louis, Missouri 63111
4352 Manchester Avenue
St. Louis , Missouri 63110
Forest Park
Disclaimer: SQSH does not endorse any Reviews. Each Review reflects the personal experience and opinions of the Reviewer. Refer to our Review Guidelines for details.
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June 30, 2023 · Secondhand Feedback About a Resource
June 30, 2023 · Secondhand Feedback About a Resource