
"Providing Care and Creating Hope By responding to the needs of people in 38 counties regardless of faith, culture, or situation with services for refugees and immigrants, those with food insecurity, mental health needs, health and nutrition education, basic household and shelter needs.

Areas of legal assistance: Adjustment of Status, Consular Processing, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), Employment authorization, Family-based petitions, Habeas Corpus, Naturalization/Citizenship Types of legal assistance: Help completing forms, Filings with USCIS" 573-632-0017 1130 E. Elm St, P.O. Box 2183, Jefferson City, MO 65102

Community Reviews

Disclaimer: SQSH does not endorse any Reviews. Each Review reflects the personal experience and opinions of the Reviewer. Refer to our Review Guidelines for details.

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SQSHBook is a program led by the St. Louis Queer+ Support Helpline (SQSH)

SQSH is a grassroots, queer-led collective dedicated to facilitating healing spaces and providing holistic support for queer St. Louisans to thrive.
Our Peer Support Helpline is open
Friday through Monday, 1:00-7:00 PM CT
4220 Duncan Ave, Suite 201
St. Louis, MO 63110


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