
BlackLine® provides a space for peer support, counseling, witnessing and affirming the lived experiences to folxs who are most impacted by systematic oppression with an LGBTQ+ Black Femme Lens.

Call BlackLine® prioritizes BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People of Color). By us for us. BlackLine now has the option for you to text!

Mission Statement The mission of BlackLine is to provide hope and promote social justice for individuals, families and communities through immediate crisis counseling and collecting information on negative police and vigilante contact in the United States of America. BlackLine is a unique combination of professional staff, trained volunteers and collaborative partnerships to create innovative responses to pressing social needs and issues. Through an unapologetic Black, LGBTQ and Black Femme lens.

Vision Statement All people will have access to appropriate and adequate services needed throughout their life cycle. BlackLine will be a catalyst in providing witness listeners as well as a referral source for Black, Brown and Indigenous peoples in particular, throughout the nation.

Frequently Asked Questions Who are we? We are a group of volunteers who started in and around the Hudson Valley, New York and now consist of volunteers nation-wide. Volunteers are trained in listening to and affirming the experiences of anyone who may be in crisis or have experienced negative interaction with law enforcement, consumer (restaurants and stores), and vigilante contact.

What do we do? We are here to answer messages from anyone who may be in crisis, wants to describe and interaction with law enforcement or vigilantes, or simply needs to talk through an experience. You do not have to provide any personal information to use the service. All calls remain private and will never be shared with law enforcement or state agencies of any kind.

Why does BlackLine® exist? The purpose of the BlackLine is provide people with an avenue to report negative, physical and inappropriate contact with police and vigilantes. Vigilante contact is included, due to what happens to folks in rural and suburban communities from local community member. BlackLine is an anonymous and confidential avenue to report these interactions. BlackLine can gather the needed information to share with local community organizers and officials on the best response to this type of police and vigilante contact.

We are here for you. We are here to listen and affirm. We know there are all sorts of reasons that you may need someone to speak to. We also know that police, law enforcement and vigilante encounters can be traumatic, upsetting, or worse. In the hopes of changing the way our communities are policed, we hope to speak to people who have had negative experiences with law enforcement or vigilantes. We want to help build a new network of support that our community can rely on.

BlackLine can provide immediate crisis counseling to those who call upset, need to talk with someone immediately, in distress.

How can I learn more? Call us at 1 (800) 604-5841 or email us at

Contact Information

Community Reviews

Disclaimer: SQSH does not endorse any Reviews. Each Review reflects the personal experience and opinions of the Reviewer. Refer to our Review Guidelines for details.

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  • 0 Not Recommended
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Detailed Resource Information

Populations Prioritized

Restrictions/Eligibility Criteria

    Restrictions/Eligibility Criteria Absent





Race / Ethnicity

    Black / African-American / African Descent

SQSHBook is a program led by the St. Louis Queer+ Support Helpline (SQSH)

SQSH is a grassroots, queer-led collective dedicated to facilitating healing spaces and providing holistic support for queer St. Louisans to thrive.
Our Peer Support Helpline is open
Friday through Monday, 1:00-7:00 PM CT
4220 Duncan Ave, Suite 201
St. Louis, MO 63110


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