
I created AsexualityArchive because I hadn’t found a repository for all-things-ace anywhere else. Plenty of information on asexuality is tied up in blog posts or on message boards or in videos and the problem I had with all of those things is that they’ll get buried by the sands of time. When you write a blog post, no matter what it’s on or how earth shatteringly wonderful it is, it doesn’t get read after the first day, because no one can find it anymore. My goal with this site is make sure that good information stays visible, whether it’s a day old or five years old.

Little by little, I’m trying to build a guide to asexuality. Hopefully these posts will be informative and entertaining to ace and non-ace alike. If not, at least it’ll keep my typing fingers nimble… Either way, I don’t claim to speak for all asexuals.

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