The Missouri Lawyer Referral Service helps make legal services available to individuals and families in need of a lawyer. This service costs $25 and entitles you to an up-to-thirty-minute consultation with an attorney where you can get your legal questions answered and get legal advice. The attorney does not charge you for the up-to-thirty minute consultation. The Missouri Lawyer Referrals Service is not affiliated with legal aid and does not have free or pro bono attorneys.
This service does not provide lawyer referrals in St. Louis, Kansas City or Springfield.
In St. Louis, call the Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis Lawyer Referral Service at (314) 621-6681. In Kansas City, call the Kansas City Metropolitan Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service at (816) 221-9472. In Springfield, call the Springfield Metropolitan Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service at (417) 831-2783." (573) 636-3635 "P.O. Box 119 Jefferson City, MO 65102" Monday through Friday, 9am-12pm and 1-3pm CST
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