WashU Religious Groups

 Temporarily Closed
Temporarily Closed


  1. School-Specific Resources - 44.1 Washington University in St. Louis

ACTS: Association of Christian Truth Seekers Asian Christian Fellowship, Harambee and International Friends (part of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship / USA) Catholic Student Center (CSC) Chabad on Campus-Rohr Center for Jewish Life Christian Science Organization Coalition for Christian Outreach (EPC) Episcopal Campus Ministry (Rockwell House) Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) Hillel at Washington University in St. Louis (WashU Hillel) Lutheran Campus Ministry (ELCA) Lutheran Student Fellowship (LCMS) Muslim Students Association (MSA) Orthodox Christian Fellowship Overflow (interdenominational Christian ministry) Reformed University Fellowship (RUF) Washington University Interfaith Alliance UKirk – St. Louis Interfaith Campus Ministries Association

Note: Please direct interested callers to the link. Mission statements and contact information are listed under each religious group. Washington University in St. Louis Interfaith Campus Ministries Association (IFCMA) maintains the list of recognized student religious groups.

Contact Information

Community Reviews

Disclaimer: SQSH does not endorse any Reviews. Each Review reflects the personal experience and opinions of the Reviewer. Refer to our Review Guidelines for details.

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  • 0 Not Recommended
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