More Than a Grocery Store
City Greens Market exists to provide access to fresh, quality, and affordable produce to all of our neighbors, to promote healthy living in the community, and to provide a welcoming and comfortable space for our members to interact. We make no profit from food sales because we think good food should be affordable and not a luxury item. Selling at cost also lets us support local farmers by doing the work of selling their food for them, so they can get back to farming. We offer nutrition workshops and frequently host cooking demonstrations in the store to help people learn how to form healthier eating habits and save money.
Free Soup Fridays: Come join us and grab some tasty homemade soup! Between 2pm and 6pm every Friday!
Become a Member at City Greens Market
When you become a member at City Greens, we sell you all of our food at cost. In other words, we make no profit from the food we sell you in order to make it as affordable as possible. Your membership will not only save you money in the long run, but it helps us make fresh, quality food available in our neighborhood, and make it affordable to everyone. Membership prices are based on household income and range from $25 per year to $25 per month.
We give free membership to all of our volunteers who consistently volunteer at least 4 hours/month, as well as to the program participants of many of our partner organizations.
Member benefits include:
All membership contributions are tax-deductible donations.
4260 Manchester Ave
St. Louis, MO 63110
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